Respite breaks for people with disabilities and their carers
$ 50.00
Your regular donation of $50 will help to make respite breaks possible for people with disabilities and high physical needs.

People with high physical needs or with special sensory needs find it especially hard to get breaks because respite houses often lack critical equipment or the right sensory environments. 

The Tipping Foundation is working to equip its respite houses at Bacchus Marsh, Warragul and Pakenham, and its respite house for children with autism at Epping, with the equipment they need to be able to offer places to people and families who would otherwise miss out on these important breaks.

Your gift of $50 to $100 a month will enable us to: respond positively to the increasing demand for respite care for people with high physical needs or autism; improve the quality and dignity of care; and reduce physical injuries suffered by carers. This program will directly benefit 150 families each year.

Or Donate Amount of Your Choice